April 8, 2015 


Meeting Minutes for April 8, 2015 

ACBL Unit 143 Board of Directors

Attendees:  Linda Seibert, Pres.; Mary Dolan, VP; Lee Hastings, George Hawley; Jennifer Luner; Jay Shah; Helene Siegfried; Mark Ziegelman; guest Mike Carmen

Absentees:  Becky Hubert, Sec’y; Karen; Erlanger; Jeff Kopolow, Treasurer; Debra Romero

President Seibert called the meeting to order at 7:03pm.  Minutes of the March meeting were approved for posting; motion Hastings, seconded by Siegfried.  Corresponding Secretary’s report was accepted for file.  Treasurer’s report was accepted for file.

Presidents Report:  Seibert passed around note to Hubert for speedy post-surgery recovery.

Tournament Report:  For the May Sectional, Carmen said “Good News, Bad News.” Expects 5% increase in tables even though competing with area graduations.  We will lose $0.9k, much less than $2.6k lost in May 2014 because of increase in meal fee to players.  We will have Diane driving in from Chicago (4 motel nights) and W. Harris, Jr. (3 motel nights) as directors along with Rick Beye, head DIC.   Asked to post to website to book hotel rooms soon; area hotels are selling out fast for graduation.   Seibert passed around tournament duty sign-up sheet.

For July Regional, Ann Lemp and Carmen met with hotel to discuss contract and catering.  We have two bogies to meet: motel nights and catering.  $17-20k on food and 510 room nights, meeting 75% of total has been ok in past years.

Helene will print new partnership request cards.


Publicity:  Romero sent report that publicity is finished: flyers and bulletin ads.

Unit Games:  Dolan reported that 107 tables participated in Unit Games in March on 5 sanctioned dates. 

Website:  Luner reported ongoing updates of names of new members, links to local area tournament results, Unit Game table, putting up banner 3 days prior to each game (check participating clubs), 2 deaths in March were Shirley Ryan and Larry Whitte, Jr.  Posted links on Homepage for general and information and application to camp and scholarship for 2 youth bridge camps. Posted links to: Adult Bootcamp #4 held Oct 19—22, Barbara Seagram event at SLBC, Longest Day publicity for SLBC (no other clubs doing event per Erlanger), 199er results and photos to Homepage and 199er tournament page; posted preliminary info and dates for Sept. 199er tournament.

Membership:  Absent: no report.

Date Book:  Absent; no report.

Education:  Mark Ziegelman continues to develop the Liaison role.  Furthermore a partnership with the Scouts is being explored.

199’er Tournament:  Hastings reported 72 tables and profit of about $0.9k.  Collected $39 from non-ACBL members; goes to ACBL.  Only complaint was no gluten-free cookies.

For Fall 2015, to look at running a 0-49MP game side by side with 0-199er game Saturday morning.  Hastings to ask ACBL if can do on same sanction or if additional sanction is needed, if so request it.  Also to look at selling Subway sandwiches for lunch between sessions.

Unfinished Business:  Seibert went back to discussion from last Fall re: sponsorship at tournaments that Lemp had suggested, particularly from vendors wanting to appeal to seniors.  Luner said Board previously had discussed and approved selling naming rights to events.  Seibert to talk to Carmen if OK to offer vendor approval to set up display in hallway; Seibert to talk to Lemp again.

New Business: Board approved up to $125 gift for Luner’s service award recognition at May Sectional – and for all future service award gifts.  Motion: Dolan, seconded: Siegfried. 

Seibert asked and recorded, and will communicate to Bryant, who needs what ACBL reports from the Unit Electronic contact, Bryant. 

Shah to give back remaining section-top awards from 2014 Regional to Hawley for use in 2015.

Shah prosed Unit offering Learn Bridge in a Day.  Brief discussion about how and where to promote it.  Hastings to get background information from Patty Tucker and report at May meeting.

Dolan asked where Barnhart club manager, Betty Ponzer, can get answers to questions their directors have.  She is to refer them to the ACBL Clubs manager listed in the index on the ACBL website or in the Bridge Bulletin.

Next meeting is May 13, 2015 at 7:00 pm at the Olivette Community Center.

Seibert adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully drafted by Jennifer Luner and revised with input from Board members by Becky Hubert



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